5 Things Friday - 5 Things About Me
Hey there friend! I’ve been doing this little five things Friday segment for a little over a month and a half now, and today I thought I would take a minute and do a rather delayed introduction. So without further ado, here are 5 things about me:
- I’ve been sewing since I was 6
I was given a sewing machine when I was young enough that the how to video was on a VHS tape. I remember putting it in and watching that video over and over again until I understood how to thread the machine, change the presser foot, wind a bobbin, and so much more. The first thing I ever sewed was a flannel snowflake pillowcase, which I still have in my linen closet. Shortly after that I learned to make a basic skirt for myself and Kirsten, my American Girl doll. Next I made a little jacket for my beloved stuffed animal, a cat named Bruno, who had been so well loved much of the fur on the top half of his body had worn off. I sewed a little denim jacket for him with “Bruno” on the back to cover up his bald patches! I also made him a new arm, because in my teething phase I used his poor little arm as a teether. From then on, I’ve sewed off and on and have made myself clothes, pillows, bags, and an assortment of other things. Some of my favorite shirts and dresses at the moment I sewed for myself. I start hand sewing consistently during my senior year of college when I started experimenting with those hand sewn wall hangings I love to create. Ever since then, I’ve been hand sewing more than machine sewing, but I love them both. I was given a serger for my most recent birthday by all of my family, and I am excited to improve my garment making with it! I’m planning on dabbling in menswear for the first time in making my husband and I pajamas. Yes, they will be matching. Yes, this is super dorky and I have zero shame about it!
- I was born in Chicago and am a lifelong fan of the Chicago Cubs
Before I go too far into my sheer joy when the Cubs finally won the world series in 2016, I do have to say I did not spend the entirety of my childhood in Chicago. I moved to Charlotte, NC in 2004 for my dad’s work and have moved back to Charlotte after college. I loved Chicago as a kid. I thought it was the most exciting place and I grew up going to Wrigley Field and watching players like Sammy Sosa, Moises Alou, and Aramis Ramirez. I played softball for twelve years and loved watching baseball and softball. Now when I’ve gone back to visit Chicago as an adult, I’m always surprised by how cold I think it is! I think the south has reduced my winter cold tolerance. However, I do love going back to visit. I still have family there and love the city, cold, wind, and all!
- I was homeschooled for the first part of my k-12 education
I was fully homeschool through 6th grade and then attended a Charlotte Mason school for 7th and 8th grade and went to public school for high school. I attribute a lot of my independence and love of structuring my own time to my homeschooling. I don’t have any really great stories about this little fact about me, other than it was great doing school with the family dog at my feet!
- I spent four summers as a camp counselor
I did two summers at the local YMCA doing their specialty day camps (mainly art camp) the summers after my junior and senior year of high school. Then I was an adventure camp counselor at a residential camp during the summer after my freshman year of college. Lastly, I was a day camp counselor again at a local adventure camp in Richmond the summer after my junior year. The summer after my sophomore year of college, I broke my camp streak and studied abroad in Argentina. I loved working at camp and learned so much. Working at day camp made me think I might want to go into teaching. Working at a residential camp forced me to confront the fact that I’m an introvert and if I don’t give myself adequate alone time to recover, I am not a very happy camper (see what I did there?!) My husband, Adam, also did many summers working at the camp he grew up attending and one of these summers we’ll go back and volunteer for a week together!
- I love hiking, camping, backpacking, and basically anything outdoors
Given my experience as an adventure camp counselor, this fact probably isn’t too surprising. This past summer my mom got season passes for all three of us - herself, Adam, and me - to the US National Whitewater Center. We spent plenty of weekend days kayaking on the Catawba River or rafting down their in house whitewater channels. Adam and I took a trip this summer and went whitewater rafting in West Virginia and then backpacking in Grayson Highlands State Park in Virginia. We both love taking day trips to hike and weekend trips to camp. I may or may not be currently trying to convince Adam to trick out our Prius into a little camper so we can go on longer trips when the weather gets nicer…
So there you have it! 5 things about me! Now it’s your turn. Tell me something about yourself in the comments!
<3 Amy